Evolution Proves God Exists

The Theory of Evolution Proves that God Exists


The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists have jumped to the conclusion that CHANCE can design and create anything, if given enough time to do so.  That’s what they teach, preach, and believe, is it not?

They have NEVER tested that hypothesis, because they can’t.  Chance doesn’t do anything without an intelligent assist from some type of intelligent being.  By definition and by axiom, CHANCE cannot design and create anything because CHANCE cannot do choice and causation.  Once chance starts doing causation, then it is no longer chance!  This is the fundamental axiom of Science and Statistics.  Chance and causation are mutually exclusive.  This is the Truth in Science and Statistics, whether we realize it or not.  Chance cannot do causation.  Saying that it can doesn’t change the fact that it can’t.  Scientists are lying to us whenever they say that CHANCE can do choice, design, or causation if given enough time to do so.

The inability of the Theory of Evolution to meet its burden of proof through a preponderance of the evidence ends up becoming Scientific Proof of God’s Existence or Scientific Proof of God’s Necessity, whether we realize it or not.  This simple observation is based upon the “best explanation rule” or the “parsimony rule” in Science, sometimes known as Occam’s Razor.

Creation by Chance, or Causation by Chance, or Creation by Random Disorder, or Creation by Entropy, or Creation Ex Nihilo, or Creation by Blind Luck – in other words, the Theory of Evolution – is NOT the best, nor the simplest, nor the most logical, nor the most rational, nor the most parsimonious explanation that can be given to scientific theories, scientific evidence, science experiments, and scientific data because chance of any kind cannot do causation.  A LIE, such as Creation by Chance or the Theory of Evolution, cannot serve as the best explanation or the most parsimonious explanation for the scientific evidence.  That’s just logical common sense.

I wrote a huge book on this topic.

The Theory of Evolution Proved to Me that God Exists


Most people don’t understand this concept because they are not trained in our public schools to think of parsimony in terms of “observational evidence” or “meeting one’s burden of proof”.  Instead, we are trained to blindly accept CHANCE as the most parsimonious, most logical, most rational, and best explanation for the design and the creation of our amino acids, our proteins, our genes, our genomes, and the life forms on this planet.  It’s a lie, but we believe that it is true because our college professors constantly tell us that it is true.  It’s the modern-day form of brain washing.  If are told the lie long enough, we eventually come to believe that it is true.  The Behaviorists, Atheists, Darwinists, and Naturalists know this, so that’s why they keep lying to us.

Mark My Words



The Associated Books: