Scientific Proof of God’s Existence

Scientific Proof of God’s Existence

I used to be an atheist, and there was a time in my life when I didn’t believe that there could ever be a convincing Scientific Proof of God’s Existence.

Boy, was I wrong!  Self-deception works, and it works every time.

I truly believed that there could NEVER be any compelling or convincing or believable Proof of God’s Existence, and where I was concerned, I was right.  It was a self-fulfilling prophecy.  My unbelief prevented me from being able to see the possibilities.

After I abandoned My Atheism, I eventually started having spiritual experiences of my own.  It makes no sense to go into them here, because YOU have to experience the spiritual first-hand for yourself in order to know that spirituality is real and true.

However, there is one group of my spiritual experiences which are germane to this topic.  After I quit My Atheism, I started praying and asking God to reveal to me how and why the Theory of Evolution is false and to show me Scientific Proofs of His Existence.  He has done so.  He actually did as I requested.  Sometimes, He even told me which books I needed to acquire and read in order to find the answers which I was seeking.

I list some of these books in “The Theory of Evolution Proves that God Exists”, which can be found online at Amazon.

Mark My Words!



The Theory of Evolution Proved to Me that God Exists: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist and Why I No Longer Believe in the Theory of Evolution